Buffalo River Chamber
Membership Benefits
$150 Gets You $500 Worth of Benefits
Our member benefits will create a lot of online business for you, immediately. You will be listed in-depth . You will receive tips on getting better internet results. There is no other offer comparable to ours -- membership pays for itself quickly. Ask any member. Our listing is so complete it is like having a backup web site.
Why You Should Join Us
Our Buffalo River Chamber is more than a membership organization, we need your involvement to meet the challenges of a struggling economy. Pay online for membership at PaymentSphere. We are certain that with your involvement, we can open up largely untapped markets. 18% of the US population lives within 2 tanks of gas of our region. Our market analysis shows that if we can open up these markets, there could be a 10+ fold multiplier in our current visitor base. That is not a typo -- a 10+ fold increase. Our roadmap to success follows.
We Care About Small Businesses
We have four basic strategies to promote small businesses:.
First, we have created a level playing field. Very small businesses are given the same respect as large businesses. For that reason we will not sell banner ads to anyone. Deep pockets will not change content, and will not change emphasis on our site. Members compete on the basis of their price and benefits to visitors, not their ability to buy ads on our site -- there are no ads.
Second, as a tourism-centered chamber, we have structured our web site to be the ultimate attraction site for the Buffalo National River region. We work tirelessly to build our website as a tool for visitors to make sense of our Buffalo National River, nearby Ozark National Forest lands and AGFC WMAs near our corridor. We provide details about attractions in depth. We call this approach "Deep Content". Visitors to our site can plan their stay in detail. (There is much more content under development now.)
Third, we integrate your business into the "Deep Content" on our river and wild lands. Our unique "Itinerary Builder" tool shows your potential customers exactly where you are located, and exactly how far your business is from the attractions. There is extensive cross-linking to assist your visitors.
Deep Content Listings
The key to our future is effective Internet marketing. This applies to us as a chamber, and equally important, it applies to our members. We are doing everything we can to assure better results for our members. We do this two ways:
First, your listings on buffaloriverchamber.com are big and dirt cheap. For $150 a year, your business gets listed in our summary pages by profit center, you get a full-page summarizing all of your business, and you get a second full page featuring one of your profit centers if you choose. For example a cabin rental business that includes a floating profit center might choose to use its second full page to explain its floating business in detail. Additional full page listings can be purchased for $50 each per year for other profit centers or to further explain your business. This is one of those cases where something sounds too good to be true, but it isn't.
There is more to your listing. For each listing, we build a custom "Itinerary Bulder" layer for your page. This includes the times and distances to attractions near your business with GPS data, maps, and brief explanations. For major attractions, there are full page entries explaining those attractions. Business owners are often asked how far is it to nearby attractions, these entries answer that question.
More Tools to Build Your Business
Our chamber president is an internet expert and experienced professional trainer. He has taught Internet marketing and web design to thousands across the US and Canada.
Together We Will Make the Buffalo National River a National Attraction
Join us in our vision to elevate the Buffalo National River to compete head-to-head with better known venues like the Grand Tetons and Rocky Mountain National Park.
We are offering amazing benefits for the price, but we also need active members. We need your support in suggesting new content and providing local insights. Success requires active participation in our policy advocacy actions. We need your help.
To achieve new and better results, we are doing things differently. We need to try new ideas and redouble our determination to succeed. Join us today and become a part of building a new vision for the Buffalo National River region. Together we will make it happen.
For more information: membership@buffaloriverchamber.com
Serving America's First National Wild River